
Wendy Wywrot is a transformational dating coach who helps successful, spiritual “single & looking” women age 50 and over to manifest great men to date, using her signature program, the Sacred Soul Attraction Method. She incorporates techniques from the Law of Attraction, New Moon Wishing, Neville Goddard, NLP, Feng Shui, and Face Reading when helping her clients to find great guys to date. Wendy uses Astrology, Tarot, and Face Reading to help her clients to gain insights into themselves and their potential dates.

Wendy has been studying and practicing the Spiritual Healing Arts for over 30 years. Her heartfelt calling is to help her clients to find love, and to live happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives. She inspires her clients and students to transform themselves, and their environments, in personally sacred ways.

Wendy has been a kind and compassionate Spiritual Counselor, Healer, and Teacher for 33 years. She assists her clients and students to release old patterns of being that no longer serve them. Wendy encourages and teaches each of her students and clients to pursue their Divine Destiny, which brings them joy, creativity and fulfillment.

Wendy Wywrot created Angelic Astrology and Angelic Tarot – innovative, effective, sacred ways to learn, practice, and teach spiritual wisdom to bring guidance to her clients. Wendy regularly teaches and practices these spiritual disciplines.

Wendy is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, and a Certified Master Face Reader, trained by the Preeminent Face Reading teacher in the world, Lillian Pearl Bridges of the Lotus Institute. Wendy was a teaching assistant for Lillian Bridges, and enjoyed working closely with her for many years.

Wendy considers herself a life-long learner, and has synthesized the best of what she has learned from all of her teachers. She has studied with many of the world’s top astrologers, including Anne Ortelee, Judith Hill and Patricia Walsh. She is a Certified Reiki Master. IET Angel Healer, Hypnotherapy Coach, and Tarot Coach. Wendy graduated from a Neo-Shamanic Spiritual Healing Program, learning to help her clients in many different ways. Additionally, she has studied multiple forms of energy healing, and has studied and taught World Mythology.

Born and raised in Seattle, Washington, she completed the 2 year Honors Humanities Program at Seattle University, and graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration.

Wendy lives in San Diego, California, and enjoys dancing, concerts, reading, learning, beaches, and boating. She is an animal lover, especially attuned to dogs, Wendy connects with the beauty and magic of nature and of the elements on a deep, heartfelt level.